Political Science and Public Administration Undergraduate Program Outcomes

1. Ability to reach the information they need in their daily lives, and to interpret it.

2. Being in command of the basic concepts of law.

3. Understanding the political, economic, and social transformations that occur in a wide range of areas including local and international levels.

4. Defining and solving problems encountered in political, social, and economic life.

5. Being conscious, effective and rational citizens who can comprehend the transformations taking place in Turkey and in the world today.

6. Being professionals who can operate as productive participants in any public organization.

7. Having the knowledge about how public organizations function and how their decision making processes and mechanisms work.

8. Developing original solutions to the problems faced in relation to their own area of interest.

9. Critical thinking ability.

10. Being in command of the interdisciplinary approaches.


Business and Management Sciences Basic Field Qualifications

(Academic Weighted)

Level 6 (UNDERGRADUATE Education)


Political Science and Public Administration Undergraduate Program

Program Outcomes











KNOWLEDGE - Theoretical-Factual

1-Has advanced level knowledge in the field.

SKILLS - Cognitive - Practical

1-Has the ability to transfer field-related information to employees and teammates.

2-Has the ability to interpret and analyze data, define problems and offer solution suggestions by using the information acquired in the field while taking decisions, implementing them, and in their behaviors.


COMPETENCES - Ability to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

1-Conducts research and studies on field-related issues.

2-Takes responsibility in accordance with project objectives as a project manager or participant.

3-Determines goals and objectives for the organization/institution.


COMPETENCES - Learning Competence

1-Critically evaluates the knowledge and skills acquired.

2- Demonstrates that he/she understands the continuity of the learning need.

COMPETENCIES - Communication and Social Competence

1- Conveys his/her thoughts and suggestions at the level of knowledge and skills acquired in his/her field to the relevant parties in written and verbal form.

2- Communicates effectively with stakeholders in the professional field.

3- Uses computer software and information and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of the European Computer User License required by his/her fiel

4- Follows the information in his/her field by using a foreign language at least at the B2 General Level of the European Language Portfolio and communicates with his/her colleagues.

COMPETENCIES - Field-Specific Competence

1- Acts in accordance with the ethical values ​​of the organization/institution, business and society. 

2- Analyzes and effectively manages the relations of the organization/institution with its stakeholders.

3- Has the ability to encourage innovations.



4- Thinks critically about the organization/institution.

5-Has sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety.



Last Updated:
24/06/2024 - 13:24