Set by the University Senate on January 21, 2014 

Middle East Technical Universtiy Undergraduate Common Program Outcomes

Graduates of METU Undergraduate Programs:
have the ability to actively conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information (Critical Thinking);
creatively produce innovative/new ideas and products (Creativity);
have the ability to develop and apply strategies to identify, define, and solve problems (Problem Solving);
have the ability to effectively communicate (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) using both Turkish and English languages (Communication Skills);
have the skills of leadership, entrepreneurship, and self-direction (Leadership and Entrepreneurship);
are sensitive towards global, societal, and environmental problems; put efforts individually or as part of community for the solution of these problems; produce and present the solutions when necessary (Global, Societal, and Environmental Awareness);
give importance to ethical values and principles, behave accordingly in professional and societal life (Ethical Behavior);
have the skills of working independently and in a team (Teamwork and Independent Work);

are open to lifelong learning to develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies (Openness to Lifelong Learning);

understand the need for information; define and reach the information; use it effectively and share with others (Information Literacy);
use information and communication technologies effectively; share their knowledge and experience using technology and visual aids (Information and Communication Technologies Literacy).


Last Updated:
07/10/2022 - 16:44