Program Outcomes

Our program aims to enable the graduate students to attain the knowledge, abilities, and behaviours cited below.

  1. The ability to interpret and assess the ways in which power is generated and used socially, institutionally, economically and culturally at the local, national and international levels.
  2. The ability to conduct interdisciplinary studies and research when assessing the social phenomena in the field of Political Science and Public Administration.
  3. To attain a sound formation regarding the basic topics, like state-society relations, history of political thought, organisational theory, Turkish politics and comparative politics, in the field of Political Science and Public Administration.
  4. The ability to use the classical and new approaches in social sciences comprehensively and critically.
  5. To acquire the methodological knowledge and scientific skills which would enhance the capacity to conduct scientific research and produce publications including a M.S. thesis.
  6. The ability to evaluate the different dimensions of the problems in the policy areas which are studied through the use of different theoretical perspectives and to develop strategies on this basis.
  7. To uphold ethical principles in science, academy and life.
  8. To approach the issues by an independent, critical and inventive cognitive orientation, which could also support the professional career development.

Last Updated:
14/04/2022 - 15:14