Program Outcomes

Upon graduation, alumni of the Philosophy undergraduate program should be able to:

1- Possess the knowledge and skills in research methods necessary for achieving success in academic studies.

2- Demonstrate the capacity to apply philosophical knowledge to scientific and social contexts.

3- Analyze and examine subjects critically, providing philosophical interpretations.

4- Exhibit critical thinking, an analytical approach, problem-solving abilities, a multi-dimensional perspective, and skills in making inferences and interpretations regarding philosophical texts and scientific facts.

5- Identify and articulate the fundamental concepts and issues within philosophy.

6- Evaluate and comprehend the philosophical assumptions underlying basic and social sciences.

7- Demonstrate the ability to conduct interdisciplinary readings and analyses.

8- Possess effective verbal and written communication skills, openness to teamwork, and capability to engage in interdisciplinary studies.

9- Establish connections between contemporary ethical, social, cultural, aesthetic, and political issues.

10- Interpret the historical development of scientific and philosophical questions.

11- Possess knowledge of contemporary philosophical topics and their interrelations with other disciplines.

12- Utilize modern informational tools effectively to conduct philosophical research.

13- Continuously enhance professional and personal skills through lifelong learning.

14- Cultivate and support critical thinking skills.

15- Develop self-confidence and generate original ideas within the field of philosophy.

16- Uphold social and ethical responsibility in addressing contemporary issues.

17- Demonstrate proficiency in English, research methods, and computer skills, and apply these skills effectively.

18- Understand the fundamental theories and issues in various sub-disciplines of philosophy.

19- Acquire advanced knowledge in specific areas such as environment, technology, culture, and art.

Last Updated:
31/12/2024 - 10:30