Micro and Nanotechnology Ph.D. Program
Program Outcomes
The expected knowledge, skills and behavioral achievements of METU Department of Micro and Nanotechnology doctorate program students to acquire until they graduate are listed below.
- Foundations: Our graduates are familiar with the current technical principles and methods in a variety of basic and applied sciences about micro and nanotechnology issues.
- Depth: Our graduates specialize in the field of micro and nanotechnology, become aware of the current state of scientific research in this area, develop and implement innovative and original methods.
- Width: Our graduates not only expertise in their areas but also other areas related to micro and nanotechnology and /or the other discipline of the knowledge and use this information to solve interdisciplinary problems in effective and innovative way.
- Research: Our graduates, acquire the ability to do top-level and independent scientific research on their specialized topics in micro and nanotechnology by accessing current information, contribute to the science and technology world in innovative and original way, contribute to the development of national industry, develop interdisciplinary research projects in field of basic and applied sciences and publish the results in prestigious national and international scientific journals.
- Lifelong Learning: Our graduates are continuing to develop the habit of lifelong learning.
- Communication Skills: Our graduates express their ideas and the results of their work effectively in writing and orally.
- Ethics: Our graduates understand and apply professional, research and publication ethics rules.
Last Updated:
22/09/2022 - 14:01