Program Outcomes

The METU Master of Science in Industrial Design program aims for its graduates to acquire the following knowledge, skills and behaviors:

  1. Identifying research areas in distinct and contemporary topics and formulating research problems;
  2. Being competent in the research process, process planning, managing, analyzing data, and correctly interpreting findings;
  3. Transforming knowledge in the field and research results into strategies, politics, methods and/or decisions;
  4. Transferring research findings into design education and practice;
  5. Disseminating generated knowledge, making publications and presenting them;
  6. Having general knowledge in the field of design, having covered the literature and developing expertise in specific topics;
  7. Having responsibility towards own research, respecting and practicing research ethics;
  8. Having work discipline and skills in time planning;
  9. Having skills in oral, written and visual communication;
  10. Open to continuous education and self-development, having high professional motivation;
  11. Open and willing to share knowledge and skills with stakeholders;
  12. Being critical, able to make self-criticism, reflecting objective and unprejudiced thinking into their own work;
  13. Synthesising knowledge from different disciplines to use in one’s own field and using it for generating new knowledge.

Last Updated:
22/09/2022 - 00:01