Program Educational Objectives

  • Coming from multidisciplinary backgrounds, our graduates work in industries that develop products and technologies, that carry out industrial design activities, in manufacturing industries, in public and private institutions, in non-governmental organizations and in institutions for design education, as managers, educators, researchers and experts.                                                                
  • Our graduates have expertise in topics, among which are, user research, sustainable design, interaction design, design process planning, design education and management.
  • Our graduates found their own design consultancies and provide services in various areas of design research, and, product and technology development.
  • Our graduates are the top preferred candidates for job applications, based on their level of knowledge and skills that are aimed for a design-focused academic or professional career.
  • Our graduates make important contributions to the development of the areas of design education, design research and design practice, with the work that they carry out; they play an effective role in these areas by sharing their experience and the knowledge that they generate.
  • Our graduates have great success in being accepted to PhD programs in Turkey and internationally.

Last Updated:
22/09/2022 - 00:00