History of Architecture Ph.D. Program
Program Educational Objectives
Graduates of METU PhD Program in Architectural History:
- are sought for teaching positions within departments/programs of architectural history, architecture, design, visual arts, art history, cultural history, cultural heritage management, archeology, conservation/restoration, museology and history.
- make a difference as marked researchers and educators by their approach to social/cultural contexts and effects of the built environment and ability to analyze and interpret intercultural interactions with unbiased, interdisciplinary and critical approach; and by their skills in history writing in their field of specialization.
- are employed as experts, consultants, organizers, researchers, curators, administrators, publishers, editors in work environments such as architectural centers, research centers (archeology, art, history, etc.), cultural centers, urban planning centers, museums, public institutions, professional chambers, art galleries, exhibition halls, libraries, archives, NGOs, restoration offices.
- are employed in universities, government agencies, research centers and media environments (publishing houses, magazines, newspapers, internet press) that demand capabilities of organizing exhibitions, conferences/workshops, visual and verbal presentations and digital/non-digital data.
- are employed in public institutions and architecture/planning/urban design offices for research, consultation, documentation and reporting.
- can start networks of international stature and coordinate international projects in the fields of architectural history and cultural/social fields Due to their educational background in English.
- are employed in various other professional jobs due to their leadership, communication, writing and presentation skills; ability in research and information processing; capacity in analyzing, evaluating and interpreting data; and talent in assessing cultural differences.
Last Updated:
20/09/2022 - 08:44