Program Outcomes

The associated program learning outcomes, and relationship to ABET Criteria 3 (a-k) are:

  1. Foundations: understanding of and ability to apply fundamental science and engineering of permanent value (ABET Criteria 3a, 3b, 3e and 3k)
  2. Breadth: familiarity with the diverse areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ABET Criteria 3a, 3b)
  3. Depth: ability to apply in depth knowledge of one or more specializations within the diverse fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ABET Criteria 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e)
  4. Design: ability to participate in creative, synthetic, integrative activities of EE design (ABET Criteria 3c and 3e)
  5. Life-long learning: desire and ability to keep learning throughout life (ABET Criteria 3i)
  6. Communication skills: ability to express ideas persuasively, in written and oral form (ABET Criteria 3g)
  7. Social skills: ability to work with others, in professional and social settings (ABET Criteria 3d)
  8. Global view: appreciation of diversity in the world and in intellectual areas (ABET Criteria 3h and 3j)
  9. Professional ethics: ability to recognize and appreciate importance of ethical standards in professional work (ABET criteria 3f)


Last Updated:
30/09/2022 - 10:01